Oilers By Pikey

Hockey news and Random musings from a rabid Edmonton Oiler fan (who also loves Federal Politics)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

What will the Oilers find Under the Christmas Tree?

Just 8 days to go until Christmas, and thankfully, I wrapped up the rest of my shopping in an hour and a half today. But if one more senior or father steering a shopping cart hits me in the ankle, I will lose it. But, hopefully, I won't have to go back to the mall..(On a side note, when did parents stop parenting their children....I saw shit today at the mall that if I had pulled as a child, my mom and dad would have beat me senseless...In the words of Dennis Leary "My parents used to beat the living shit out of me, and quite frankly I'm looking forward to beating the living shit out of my kids...before you go calling the Kids Help Line or the RCMP, I'm not advocating child abuse here...I'm just saying some parents need to regain control of their snotty, bratty offspring!!)
But as I speed walked through the mall today, I started thinking...what will the Oilers find under their Christmas tree? The NHL Holiday Roster freeze goes into effect on December 19th, and I have a feeling nothing will happen in Oil Country before that. I still think the Oilers need a puck moving D-man, but a recent article indicates that Kevin Lowe will most likely hold off on making a deal until at least mid-January. So we're back to the original question...what will the Oil find under the decorated Pine Tree? Ales Hemsky came back in last Friday's loss to Colorado, so does that count as a present? Ryan Smyth can't be that far away from coming back, and I would have to think that that would be considered a most kind gift as well. But what I really want to see under the tree is the return of one Petr Sykora and one Joffrey Lupul. Both these guys haven't performed as expected during the Oil's recent injury woes, and with their salaries, they really should be. I know in a previous post, I mentioned that Sykora looked lost out there without Hemsky, but what's Lupul's excuse? Sure, he's a home town boy, playing in front of a very unforgiving home town crowd, and he was the key piece of the Pronger deal, but so far he's scored 9 goals. That puts him on pace for 25 this year. Now, there's no way that I could even score 2 goals at the NHL level, let alone 25, but Lupul scored 28 last year playing on the PP and getting third line minutes. In my humble opinion, Lupul needs to at least match that. But on the flipside, maybe it would help if Kevin Lowe could get #15 a centre he can rely on. Lupul just hasn't clicked skating beside Horcoff, Sykora or Stoll. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how Lupul does with Marty Reasoner, one of the smarest hockey guys on the Oilers in my opinion. Also on the wishlist, the Northwest Division Crown, 2 50 goal scorers, and 1 Stanley Cup.


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