Oilers By Pikey

Hockey news and Random musings from a rabid Edmonton Oiler fan (who also loves Federal Politics)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Busy Week

First off, let me start by saying sorry to all those bloggers out there who missed reading my earth-shattering insights...(cricket..cricket)
It's been a busy week in Oilerland, and even busier in PikeyLand.
Let me start with a story from the weekend.
It was Friday July21. I was still awash in the "I'm so happy we re-signed Jarret Stoll" glow. I was leaving for a camping trip to Kananaskis with Mrs. Pikey. Once we get out there, I decide to go for a swim in Lower Kananaskis Lake (only after I had determined that I would not get beaver fever from swimming in the water).
Now, I don't know how many of you have spent a few seconds in a mountain lake, but let me assure you, things that are supposed to be outside your body very quickly go back in in these temperatures.
So I'm in to my knees when I decide, it's all or nothing. So I fall backwards into the water, thinking the only way to adjust to the coldness is just get right in there. Smart move Pikey. Smart move. No sooner had I fallen in the water, my glasses fell off of my face. I'm pretty blind without my glasses. I dove back into the water several times, without finding my eyes. That was Saturday. We left K-Country on Monday. That was 2 days without sight. I will definitely be making a donation to the CNIB this year!
Anyways, now on to hockey.
Over the weekend, I tried to make a bet with a buddy (atypical albertan) that the Oilers would either make a big signing or trade while I was away.
He asked if Hemsky counted. I said yes. He said no bet.
Sure enough, I get back and the next day Ales Hemsky had signed a multi-year deal with the club.
Not just a 3 or 4 year agreement.
Hemmer signed for 6 years! 6 YEARS!!! (He's not married right, and can keep it in his pants?)
The Oilers have not had such a pure offensive talent in the lineup since the days of #99.
And at a bargain price of $24.6 million dollars!! I could hardly control my glee when I found out. Hemsky has made a commitment to Edmonton and Edmonton has made a commitment to Hemsky.
Obviously money isn't the issue for Hemsky, as he is foregoing 3 years of UFA eligibility in order for the security of a long term deal.
Glad to see that one didn't have to go to arbitration.
Now that Hemsky, Stoll and Horcs are out of the way, one would assume that Kevin Lowe's focus will now be on Joffrey Lupul, who I'm sure you all remember was the key part of the Chris Pronger to Anaheim deal.
How much will Lupul command? He scored 28 goals while playing 3rd line minutes in Anaheim. I'll go out on a limb here and say that he will sign a 4 year/8-10 million dollar deal.
Hopefully, K-Lowe is keeping an eye out for a top 2 d-man, but my feeling is that he is happy with his team right now, and will hold off on pressing the panic button (something some Oiler fans should do as well)
I think one of Smid/Hejda or Syvret will make the club out of training camp, and if the situation gets bad, then Lowe may consider using a draft pick to plug a hole on the blue line. Don't forget, Lowesy is still negotiating with Tarnstrom, who could easily put up top 4 minutes.
And why is everyone so sure that Robbie Schremp is a saviour?
Sure, I love the kid. He put up a mind boggling number of points in a limited amount of games, but please remember that NHL is not the OHL.
Remember Schremp last pre-season? He was great for the first half, but when real NHLers started showing up, he tallied just one more goal the rest of the way. Not that I could score more, but I think Schremp needs at least half a season in the AHL, and he'll be better for it.
One thing I love about the new NHL off-season is that the rumour mill is in full swing. We're talking 3 shifts, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
I've heard about deals ranging from Edmonton getting Gomez from NJ, to Ryan Smyth being shipped off to Philly for Simon Gagne.
A lot of people criticize those who post rumours, content in the knowledge that they know what is going on behind closed GM doors.
Isn't that why they are called rumours? Because they contain maybe only a grain of truth, and a lot of fantasy.
But it's how rabid hockey fans make it through the offseason.
Anybody who puts too much stock in rumours should give me a call...I'll give you the inside track on a new company called Bre-X (too young to get that one...how about Enron? still too young...go ask yer mom)
The latest one is a doozy....It has the Edmonton Oilers dealing with the much-hated Vancouver Canucks, as well as Buffalo.

To EDM - B.Morrison and D.Kalinin
To BUF - J.Markkanen and EDM 1st rd
To VAN - M.Afinigenov and B.Winchester

See, this is the stuff that I love to read. It will never happen, but it keeps my head in the clouds until Training Camp.


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